Dem4km.bgl fsx free download
Dem4km.bgl fsx free download

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Asia Pacific/airport-ychl-charlton/layout.jsonħd27df7dfa23670bf513cc01490cbd4f. Needless to say, that can cause problems. That means if everything is enabled, 37 of those airports are not going to have that file contain what they want it to contain.

dem4km.bgl fsx free download

Each line represents an airport that is trying to put something in that location. This is the output from my script just for the path scenery/global/scenery/modelLib.BGL. If ever two packages have files with exactly the same name in exactly the same path whichever one was loaded first does not get its own copy – it gets the other package’s copy. This is less than ideal.įor those who don’t understand how the MSFS VFS works, the short version is that when the sim starts it loads all its own files first, then it reads the layout.json of everything in the Community folder in alphabetical order and “stacks” those layouts on top of each other. I wrote a quick python script to scan every layout.json in my airport folder, and out of 170-some add-on airports that I have almost 40 are shipping a file named scenery/global/scenery/modelLib.BGL. It seems that a lot of scenery creators are not changing the location of the modelLib.BGL that is output by default for an ArtProj. I was trying to troubleshoot some scenery conflicts that were causing CTDs yesterday when I noticed something concerning.

Dem4km.bgl fsx free download